ODNR Fishing Report 09/11/2013:

Article Posted: September 12, 2013

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** The daily bag limit for walleye on Ohio waters of Lake Erie is 6 fish per angler. The minimum size limit for walleye is 15”.**

** The daily bag limit for yellow perch is 30 fish per angler on all Ohio waters of Lake Erie.**

** The trout and salmon daily bag limit is 2 fish with a minimum size limit of 12”.

** The black bass (largemouth and smallmouth bass) daily bag limit is 5 fish per angler with a 14” minimum size limit.**

Western Basin

Walleye fishing was best at the Gravel Pit (between West Sister Island and the Toledo harbor light), 3 miles off of Wild Wings marina, near “L” and “C” cans of the Camp Perry firing range, and W of Green Island. Trollers have been catching fish on worm harnesses or with divers and spoons. Drifters are casting mayfly rigs or weight-forward spinners tipped with worms.

Yellow perch fishing was best at the Gravel Pit (between West Sister Island and the Toledo harbor light), 2 miles S of West Sister Island, near “A” and “B” cans of the Camp Perry firing range, the dumping grounds E of Marblehead, N of Kelleys Island, E of Kelleys Island Shoal, and off of Cedar Point . Perch spreaders with shiners fished near the bottom produce the most fish.

Largemouth and Smallmouth bass fishing continues to be good in harbors and nearshore areas around Catawba and Marblehead, and also around Kelleys Island.

Central Basin

Walleye fishing continues to be excellent in 72’ of water NE of Ashtabula and in 70’ of water N of Conneaut. Anglers are trolling wire line with white, pink, blue, yellow, orange, green and red stick baits.

Yellow perch fishing has been fair at the S end of the sandbar between Vermilion and Lorain. Good fishing was reported in 45-50’ of water N of Edgewater Park, and in 45-50’ of water N of Gordon Park. Fishing has been excellent in 53’ of water NW of Fairport Harbor (the hump), in 62’ of water N-NE of Ashtabula, and in 62’ of water N of Conneaut. Spreaders with shiners fished near the bottom produce the most fish. Shore fishing off the Cleveland area piers has been slow.

Smallmouth and largemouth bass fishing has been good in 10 to 20’ of water around harbor areas in Cleveland, Fairport Harbor, Geneva, Ashtabula and Conneaut. Anglers are using nightcrawlers, soft-craws, leeches and tube jigs.

White Bass fishing has been hit and miss off the E. 55th St and E 72nd St Piers in Cleveland and the short and long piers in Fairport Harbor. Evenings have been the best. On the lake, look for gulls feeding on shiners at the surface; the white bass will be below. Anglers are using agitators with jigs and small spoons.

Channel Catfish are being caught off the Edgewater and E 55 St piers in Cleveland in the evenings. Anglers are using nightcrawlers.

Steelhead Trout are being caught off the short Pier in Fairport Harbor. Anglers are using small spoons and jigs tipped with maggots.

The water temperature is 69 degrees off of Toledo and 69 degrees off of Cleveland according to the nearshore marine forecast.

Anglers are encouraged to always wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device while boating.

Source: ODNR

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