$4.6 Million Available To Improve Boating Access in Ohio:

Article Posted: March 04, 2009

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$4.6 Million Available To Improve Boating Access in Ohio

COLUMBUS, OH - Communities across Ohio have until April 1 to apply for a share of approximately $4.6 million in funding available for recreational boating access facility projects on the state's waterways, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR).

The Cooperative Boating Access Facilities grant program is administered by the ODNR Division of Watercraft. Funding is provided through the Ohio Waterways Safety Fund, which is comprised of watercraft registration and titling fees, a portion of the state motor fuels tax and funding from the U.S. Coast Guard.

Grants are available for various projects, including boat launch ramps, docks and improvements or repairs to existing boating access facilities. The Cooperative Boating Access Facilities program has provided more than $62 million for boating access projects statewide since 1960.

Grant applications are scored on a competitive basis and are available at www.ohiodnr.com and by calling (614) 265-6443.

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR web site at www.ohiodnr.com.

Source: ODNR

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